Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Beautiful art...

I bought two of these absolutely stunning prints from artist Marion Bolognesi last Christmas and can't wait to get them up! Since we had a water leak we've been in rented accomodation for what seems to be forever - however we'll be back in the house in the next couple of months and these babies are getting some gorgeous frames and being hung pride of place.

If you're looking for something different I'd suggest you get hold of some - gorgeous on plain white walls. 

 Visit the Marion Bolognesi store

Got quite into my art recently and as well as these I've invested in some lovely Si Scott pieces (reccomended by my friend Colin), absolutely love his artwork - just wish that the stag hadn't sold out - if anyone is ever selling please let me know!

Try Paper Scissor Stone in Leeds if you're looking for Si Scott print. They do framing too, it's expensive but well worth it.


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